Environmental policy

Senior Flexonics GmbH integrates the environmental protection, the occupational safety and the health protection into one Senior Quality System (SQS). This system forms an integral part of the corporate policy.
The environmental policy is fulfilled by a corporate environmental management system to determine and realise the environmental targets. Therein, the standards for all our environmental protection efforts are set. The occupational safety and health protection management acts preventively.
These standards are based on the following principles:
- We want to minimise the negative environmental impact of our work and continuously improve the operational environmental protection.
- To avoid waste means for us to disclose waste, to detect the root cause and to initiate appropriate corrective actions. Key figures help to verify the effectiveness of the completed actions.
- We explicitly commit ourselves to good management practices and to the rules of the Berufsgenossenschaft Holz und Metall (BGHM) for the assignment of the quality seal “Sicher mit System”.
- We encourage the sense of responsibility for the environment, the occupational safety and the health protection at all employee levels. This includes the production processes as well as the individual’s behaviour in the workplace.
- The staff is regularly informed about environmental and occupational safety measurements and is involved in the decision process.
- The environmental and safety impacts of new products and new processes are evaluated in advance.
- We avoid environmental impacts whenever possible. Where this cannot be achieved, harmful emissions and waste are reduced to an absolute minimum.
- In order to monitor the success of the environmental and occupational safety processes, audits are carried out on a regular basis to verify the effectiveness of actions and initiate adjustments, if necessary.
- We commit ourselves to observe the relevant rules and regulations of environmental and occupational safety, and to promote appropriate continuous improvements with regards to operational environmental protection.
- We maintain an open dialogue with customers, authorities and the public, which should contribute to a better mutual understanding.